Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Winter parking bans to be in effect for select streets in Winnipeg this year

With parking bans for select streets across Winnipeg set to take place this month, residents are being reminded to be aware of where they can and cannot park.
The city of Winnipeg will begin its annual parking on Jan. 16, at 2 a.m. In a release on Monday, the city said the ban ensures that streets — designated as winter or snow routes — that are major thoroughfares can be clear for use as well as snow clearing. The city also noted that the bans are in place regardless of the weather, until the city deems weather conditions don’t require it any longer.
A vehicle in violation of the ban, noted the city, may receive a $100 ticket which can be lowered to $75 if paid earlier. A vehicle may also be towed.
Residents can access the following to know more about which streets are included in the ban:
